Into The Unknown: What's A Federal
Court To Do When Forced To Predict
How A State's Highest Court Will
Decide An Unresolved Question
Of State Law
Howard J. Bashman
Monday, March 10, 2003
a federal appellate court to do
when presented with a question
of state law that lacks a definitive
answer? Traditionally, the federal
appellate court should do its
best to predict the correct answer,
which is defined as the answer
that the highest court of the
state in question would give if
it were to decide the question.
But in many states across the
nation, including Pennsylvania,
another option is available. The
federal appellate court can choose
to certify the question to the
highest court of the state whose
law is unclear or unsettled in
the hope that the state court
will agree to provide a definitive
While certifying an unresolved,
difficult question of state law
to the highest court of a state
eliminates the need for a federal
appellate court to engage in any
guesswork, the certification process
presents its own significant complications.
Chief among those complications
are delay, substantial added costs,
uncertainty over whether the state
court will accept certification,
and uncertainty over whether a
definitive answer will in fact
result at the end of the process.
When a federal appellate court
decides to certify an unresolved
question of state law to the highest
court of a state, the certification
comes after briefing has occurred,
after the briefs have been considered
by the three-judge panel assigned
to the case, and often after the
appeal has been orally argued.
And the federal appellate panel
must compose an opinion that sets
forth the facts of the case, the
question(s) being certified, and
the federal court's explanation
of why it views the case as appropriate
for certification. While a certification
request may be less elaborate
than a full-blown ruling on the
merits, it still takes some not
insubstantial time to prepare
before issuance.
After a federal appellate court
asks the highest court of a state
to accept for review one or more
certified questions, the state
court must decide whether to accept
the certification. The state appellate
court may allow the parties to
file briefs concerning whether
the certified question should
be accepted for review. But even
if briefs are not allowed at that
initial juncture, it still takes
time and effort for the highest
court of a state to decide whether
to accept or refuse a federal
appellate court's certification
request. That decision may depend
among other things on the importance
of the case, the importance of
the certified question(s), and
the workload of the state court.
If the state's highest court accepts
certification, usually a new round
of appellate briefs will be filed
to present the case to the state
appellate court, and then oral
argument will occur in the state
court. Thereafter, the state court
of last resort will proceed to
decide the case, and some of those
courts take longer than others
to issue decisions. Because certified
questions tend to be especially
difficult, often such cases defy
prompt resolution by a state appellate
Once the state court of last resort
issues its ruling, the case returns
to the federal appellate court
that issued the certification
request. In most instances, the
state court's answer is easy to
apply, but sometimes it is not.
A colleague has told me that once,
in an oral argument before the
U.S. Court of Appeals for the
Third Circuit, the three-judge
panel raised the possibility of
certifying a question to the Supreme
Court of Pennsylvania, but the
presiding Third Circuit judge
explained that in an earlier case,
Pennsylvania's highest court took
an inordinately long time to rule,
and then the outcome was an evenly
divided decision. You see, the
Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
issues full-blown opinions even
in cases in which that court is
evenly divided as to the result.
A recent noteworthy expression
of judicial dissatisfaction with
the certification of legal questions
to the highest court of a state
occurred in early 2003 in a case
in which a divided three-judge
panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals
for the Ninth Circuit decided
to certify to the Supreme Court
of California questions concerning
which party owned the rights to
the Internet domain name sex.com.
Circuit Judge Alex Kozinski dissented
from the certification order,
explaining: "When a federal court
certifies a case to a state supreme
court, it draws from a limited
reservoir of comity. Certifying
the case shifts the difficult
work of deciding it to the state
court, which is often so busy
keeping its own house in order
that it scarcely has time for
our overflow laundry. Certification
also burdens litigants, forcing
them to reargue the case in a
different forum -- a process that
is costly and full of delay."
Another highly respected federal
appellate judge, First Circuit
Judge Bruce M. Selya, wrote a
law review article published in
the Fall 1995 edition of the Suffolk
Law Review in which he concluded
that "certification often does
not provide a means of achieving
its anticipated goals, and frequently
adds time and expense to litigation
that is already overlong and overly
The main advantage of certifying
a difficult, unresolved question
of state law to the highest court
of the state in question is that
the highest court of the state
is the definitive expositor of
its state's law. Absent certification,
the best that any federal court
can do is provide its best guess
concerning the answer that the
highest state court would render.
But there are at least two other
strategies that federal courts
can invoke when confronting difficult,
unresolved questions of state
law. The first, and perhaps more
controversial, step is that federal
courts can and already sometimes
do resolve closely contested uncertain
state law questions against the
party that is responsible for
the case's being in federal court.
For example, a plaintiff who has
the option of filing a state law
claim in federal court could instead
choose to file the claim in state
court. If the state law claim
in question is one that state
courts have not previously recognized,
and if the decision whether to
recognize the state law claim
is one that a federal court finds
itself unsure how to resolve,
the federal court could permissibly
decide to reject the claim on
the view that a plaintiff seeking
recognition of a new state law
claim should have brought suit
in state court instead, where
a definitive ruling could have
been had.
The inverse of this example also
can be applied. Assume that a
defendant removes a state court
suit involving a state law claim
from state to federal court. If
the defendant asserts a defense
the propriety of which is unclear
under state law, the federal court
if uncertain how to resolve the
question could decide to reject
the defense on the ground that
a defendant wishing to pursue
a previously unrecognized state
law defense should have kept the
suit in state court, where a definitive
ruling would have been available.
My third and final point is that
federal appellate courts should
provide federal trial courts with
an added degree of freedom to
decide for themselves whether
a federal appellate court's prediction
of state law remains accurate.
Consider the following illustrations.
If a federal appellate court resolves
an undecided question of federal
law, the federal district courts
under its jurisdiction must follow
that precedent unless and until
either the U.S. Congress changes
the law, the U.S. Supreme Court
rules on the question, or the
federal appellate court itself
changes its position on the issue.
And, if a federal appellate court
predicts the answer to an undecided
question of state law but then
the highest court of the state
reaches a different result, the
federal district court must then
follow the ruling of the highest
state court.
A more complicated question presents
itself when a federal appellate
court predicts the answer to a
question of state law as to which
no state court precedent exists
but, thereafter, lower state courts
reach conclusions that, while
internally consistent within the
state court system, conflict with
the federal appellate court's
prediction. In this scenario,
the federal appellate court should
not rigorously enforce its earlier
precedent against the district
court, but rather should allow
the district court to decide for
itself whether the intervening
lower state court developments,
while failing to provide a definitive
resolution, nevertheless provide
a reason to conclude that the
federal appellate court's prediction
was erroneous.
If the federal district court
comes to the conclusion that the
federal appellate court's prediction
of state law probably was erroneous
based on intervening lower state
court developments, the federal
district court should be free
to apply its best understanding
of state law, without regard to
otherwise controlling precedent
from its own federal court of
It is a part of the law's majesty
that even in the year 2003 so
many important questions of both
federal and state law have yet
to be definitively resolved and
can be intelligently debated on
both sides. Moreover, cases governed
by state law make up a substantial
and important part of the caseload
of federal trial and appellate
courts, and many federal judges
receive great satisfaction from
presiding over such diversity
In struggling to predict the correct
answer to undecided questions
of state law, federal appellate
courts should exercise great restraint
in deciding whether to certify
questions to the highest court
of a state. In especially close
cases, in the absence of certification
it may be appropriate to resolve
such questions against the party
that caused the case to be present
in federal court. Finally, federal
appellate courts should encourage
the trial courts under their jurisdiction
to decide unsettled questions
of state law correctly based on
all the information currently
available when the question arises
for decision, instead of applying
a rigid form of intra-federal
court precedent that remains appropriate
in cases governed by federal law.
This article is reprinted with
permission from the March 10,
2003 issue of The Legal Intelligencer
� 2002 NLP IP Company.