- January
12, 2004
Bashman spoke at Harvard Law
School, as guest of the Harvard
Journal of Law & Technology,
on the subject of how technology
is changing the appellate
process and news media coverage
of appellate courts.
- February
27, 2004
Bashman participated as a
faculty member in the Pennsylvania
Bar Institute’s continuing
legal education course titled
“Appellate Advocacy
in the Pennsylvania State
Courts.” Bashman’s
presentation addressed the
subject “Incorporating
Technology into Appellate
- July
12, 2004
Bashman was a speaker in Washington,
DC at a presentation hosted
by The Heritage Foundation
titled “Scholars &
Scribes Review the Rulings:
The Supreme Court's 2003-2004
- August
6, 2004
Bashman spoke in Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania at the thirteenth
annual Conference of Court
Public Information Officers
on the subject of news media
coverage of appellate courts.
- September
28, 2004
Bashman will be the keynote
speaker in St. Louis, Missouri
at the Eighth Circuit/Federal
Judicial Center Conference
on the Future of Electronic
Filing in the Federal Courts
of Appeals.
November 11, 2004
Bashman will speak in New
York City, at the DRI’s
Appellate Advocacy Seminar,
on the subject of “Web
Logs, Technology and the Future
of Appellate Practice.”
Law Offices of
Howard J. Bashman
500 Office Center Drive
Suite 400
Fort Washington, PA 19034
Phone: (215) 830-1458
hjb@hjbashman.com |